Event Awards 2017 - It is not secret anymore, Secret Offer is also Bronze!

Secret Offer, Yuboto’s 10th anniversary celebration event, was awarded at the annual Event Awards contest hosted by the Marketing Week magazine and Boussias Communications.

The most creative and influential events of the year were awarded in a festive ceremony held on Thursday June 22th, where some of the most prestigious and prominent advertising, public relations & communications and production agencies celebrated the creativity and excellent execution of this year’s best events.

Yuboto was shortlisted in the category Event Marketing Strategy – Public Relations – Guerilla Marketing and finally received the Bronze Award for the activity: A "Secret" Event for Yuboto's 10th Anniversary.

We are really proud and full of fulfillment for this distinction, as Yuboto was the only participant who conceived and executed, from A to Z, in house its event, while all the other companies have great experience and the know-how of the event planning market. We achieved to combine experiential and guerilla marketing offering our customers a truly personalized and unique experience.

Last but not least. Secret Offer exceled as the most creative, ingenious and innovative marketing strategy at the Global Carrier Community Awards 2017, making Yuboto “The Funkiest Operator”.

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