Official Invitation of Yuboto in TelecoDays in Dubai

Official Invitation of Yuboto in TelecoDays in Dubai

Yuboto’s executives will attend the Telephony & Technology Conference “TelecoDays”, taking place in Dubai, on Monday 26 and Tuesday 27 of September, 2016, after being officially invited by the conference organizers.

The organizers have invited the company’s executives for a speech on "Technology Tools and Customer Experience". During the speech Yuboto will outline the international telecommunications and mobile marketing environment, in combination with the principles of the pioneer in marketing and customer experience, Philip Kotler.

Yuboto, during the second half of 2016, continues to have a dynamic presence in international conferences, in order to promote "URLIT" (, the new service addressed to telecommunication and SMS providers. For the time being, “URLIT” is only offered abroad, while in Greece it is expected to be on the market in the second quarter of 2017.

After its participation in the WWC in Madrid in mid-September, Yuboto has already scheduled to attend the GCCM in Dubai in mid-October, and, by the end of the year, it will participate in the relevant conferences of Capacity and Carrier Community in London, the USA and Paris.